Saturday, December 8, 2012

Higher rates or fewer tax breaks _ what's worse?

WASHINGTON (AP) ? In the fiscal cliff wars, a pivotal battle is raging between Democrats demanding to raise revenue by boosting tax rates on the nation's highest earners and Republicans insisting on eliminating deductions and other tax breaks instead. Which is better for the economy? Analysts say it depends.

Economists generally agree that a simpler tax code with lower rates and fewer deductions, exemptions and credits would help the economy. With fewer tax preferences, people would be more likely to seek the best investments for their money instead of the most lucrative tax breaks. And lower rates would leave them more money to spend. Both would add oomph to the economy.

But ask whether the higher tax rates that President Barack Obama wants would hurt the economy more than curbing deductions, as Republicans assert, and the picture is less clear. While many economists say the economy theoretically would work more efficiently if the tax code provided fewer preferences, many said it would depend on which deductions lawmakers curb ? a complicated exercise in a world where one person's wasteful loophole may be viewed by others as an economic lifeline.

For example, one of the biggest tax breaks is the widely popular deduction for interest on home mortgages below $1 million. Because of it, the government this year will take in $87 billion less than it would if the deduction didn't exist.

That deduction allows many to buy homes they otherwise couldn't afford and is strenuously defended by the housing industry. But critics say it does little to help lower-income people while it encourages others to go into debt for costlier homes than they need ? an activity they say taxpayers should not subsidize.

"I'd definitely go for cutting deductions first, especially if I have the opportunity to make the choices about which deductions go," said Alan Auerbach, director of the Robert Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance at the University of California, Berkeley.

The clash is a key part of negotiations for a deal to avert big tax increases and spending cuts due to begin in January ? the fiscal cliff ? unless Obama and Congress reach an accord on some other way to rein in the government's ballooning debt.

Obama wants to raise $1.6 trillion in revenue over the next 10 years, partly by letting decade-old tax cuts on the country's highest earners expire at the end of the year.

He would continue those Bush-era tax cuts for everyone except individuals earning more than $200,000 and couples making above $250,000. The highest rates on top-paid Americans would rise from 33 percent and 35 percent today to 36 percent and 39.6 percent.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, has offered $800 billion in new revenues to be raised by reducing or eliminating unspecified tax breaks on upper-income people.

There are more than 100 tax breaks with a cumulative price tag estimated at $1.1 trillion yearly. They range from huge breaks like the deduction for charitable contributions and the income exclusion for employer-provided health insurance to obscure tax incentives for capturing carbon dioxide emissions or maintaining railroad tracks.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said in a report last month that raising tax rates would dampen people's incentive to work and reduce the nation's labor supply. Raising the same amount of revenue by eliminating tax breaks would probably be less negative, but the impact would depend on which deductions were erased, the budget office said.

A separate study by the same agency and in the same month, however, suggested that the economic harm from letting tax rates rise for top earners would be relatively negligible.

That report estimated that extending the George W. Bush-era tax breaks for everyone would mean the economy would grow by 1.4 percent more than if all the tax cuts are allowed to expire. Extending the tax breaks for all but the top earners as Obama wants would produce economic growth of 1.3 percent, just 0.1 percent less. In a nearly $16 trillion economy, that one-tenth of 1 percent equals $16 billion.

While higher tax rates can discourage investment, "whether or not we actually see significant changes in behavior from small changes in tax rates is another story," said Joe Rosenberg, research associate at the bipartisan Tax Policy Center, which analyzes tax policy. "We do see some, but the magnitude is probably fairly small."

Part of the dispute is grounded in politics. Obama made raising rates on the wealthy a keystone of his re-election campaign. For two decades, Republicans have made opposition to higher tax rates their party's mantra. Neither side is eager to surrender.

The present faceoff is also a tactical duel ahead of an even larger war over revamping the entire tax code that could come next year. Both sides know that if tax rates on the wealthy rise now, it will be harder to push them back down later.

In addition, the battle underscores ideological differences in the two parties' constituencies.

Republicans say raising tax rates on high-income Americans discourages investments that would produce new jobs.

"Here's how Republicans think," said Kenneth Kies, a former top House GOP tax aide and now a tax lobbyist. "If I'm a risk-taker and I'm getting ready to invest $1, if I'm successful and the top rate is 35 percent, I get to keep 65 cents."

If the top tax rate is much higher, Kies said, he would get to keep less "and my incentive to invest is significantly reduced."

For Democrats, imposing higher tax rates on people making the most money is a fair way to make them contribute to deficit reduction. They say Obama would merely return rates to levels that existed under President Bill Clinton, and the economy prospered then.

Because various tax breaks have such powerful defenders ? for example, charities, churches and colleges ? it's politically difficult to limit them. The subsequent search for revenue could expose the middle class to higher taxes, Democrats say.

During the presidential campaign, Republican nominee Mitt Romney suggested limiting itemized deductions to a dollar cap, such as $25,000. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates that capping deductions at $25,000 would raise $1.3 trillion. But 29 percent of it would come from those earning under $200,000, whose taxes both parties say they don't want to increase.


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Tsunami warning lifted after 7.3 earthquake shakes Japan (+video)

A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake shook Japan's northeastern coast, triggering a small tsunami and causing buildings to sway as far away as Tokyo. Japan officials report no fatalities from the earthquake or small tsunami.

By ELAINE KURTENBACH,?Associated Press / December 7, 2012

A strong earthquake Friday struck the same Japanese coast devastated by last year's massive quake and tsunami, generating small waves but no immediate reports of heavy damage. Several people along the northeastern coast were reportedly injured and buildings in Tokyo and elsewhere swayed for several minutes.

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The earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 and struck in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Miyagi prefecture at 5:18 p.m. (0818 GMT), the?Japan?Meteorological Agency said. The epicenter was 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) beneath the seabed and 240 kilometers (150 miles) offshore.

The area was shaken by repeated, smaller aftershocks, the agency said. (Read more about how the Fukushima disaster affected the fishing industry)

After the quake, authorities issued a warning that a tsunami potentially as high as 2 meters (2.2 yards) could hit. Sirens whooped along the coast as people ran for higher ground.

Ishinomaki, a city in Miyagi, reported a tsunami 1 meter (1 yard) high and other towns reported smaller tsunamis.

About two hours after the quake struck, the tsunami warning was cancelled. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center earlier said there was no risk of a widespread tsunami.

Aiko Hibiya, a volunteer for the recovery in Minami-Sanriku, a coastal town devastated by last year's tsunami, said she was at a friend's temporary housing when the quake struck.

"It shook for such a long time," she said.

She said other volunteers who had been in coastal areas were evacuated to a square and a parking lot as they waited for the tsunami warning to be lifted.

Japan?has barely begun to rebuild from last year's magnitude- 9.0 earthquake, which triggered a tsunami that swelled to 20 meters high in some areas, ravaging dozens of coastal communities in Miyagi and elsewhere. About 19,000 people were killed and some 325,000 people remain displaced from their homes, living in barracks and other temporary quarters. (Read the Monitor's report on that here)


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Friday, December 7, 2012

The Hottest Holiday Tech Gifts Of The 80s And 90s: Super Nintendo ...

  • A Great Tech Rivalry From Long Ago

    <blockquote>This year, buying a video-game system will be different. Super Nintendo, for example, offers two configurations: with two controllers and the Super Mario World game for $150, or with one controller and noincluded game for $100. Additional controllers sell separately for $20, and Super Mario World sells for $50. Sega is offering its Genesis system with one controller and the popular Sonic the Hedgehog game for $130; with one controller but without the game, it's $100. Sonic the Hedgehog sells separately for $55. - <a href="" target="_hplink">The Dallas Morning News, December 1992</a> </blockquote> * In 2012, the great gaming rivals are Nintendo (Wii U), Microsoft (Xbox 360) and Sony (PlayStation 3). (<a href="">Image via Flickr user ceris42</a>).

  • The One Gift That Every Computer Buff Truly Appreciates

    <blockquote>What is the one gift that every computer buff truly appreciates? Floppy disks! Whether the object of your Christmas spirit is a novice "hacker" or an experienced programmer, a box of disks is always welcome under the tree or stuffed into a stocking. - <a href=",3911919&dq=computer+gift+ideas&hl=en" target="_hplink">The Telegraph-Herald, December 1988</a></blockquote> * Do you remember the days when the 'Save' icon <a href="">was once a real object</a>?

  • iPad, Surface, Or KayPro?

    <blockquote>For anyone aiming at portability, the Kaypro II folds up into its own case. The machine is unbeatable at its price of $1,595 and includes Perfect Writer, Perfect Speller and other software programs. With a little dickering, you can often talk the dealer into offering a large discount on a printer to go with the Kaypro II and go home with a good combination for less than $2,000. - <a href=",3911919&dq=computer+gift+ideas&hl=en" target="_hplink">The Telegraph-Herald, December 1988</a></blockquote> * Kaypro filed for bankruptcy in 1992. <a href="">Image via</a>

  • I Would Prefer It If You Didn't Affectionately Call Me That

    <blockquote>Among the other offerings for hard-core computer fanatics, who are often affectionately called propeller-heads, are multicolored propeller beanies ($10) and baseball caps ($12). - <em><a href="" target="_hplink">The Baltimore Sun</a></em>, December 5, 1990. </blockquote> * "Propeller-heads" has since fallen out of use in describing computer fanatics.

  • Kids, This Is What Printer Paper Used To Look Like

    <blockquote>For those who are convinced their significant others would actually sleep with the computer if given the chance, consider Spreadsheets, cotton-polyester percale bedsheets printed to resemble the ubiquitous green-bar fan-fold computer paper found in offices, right down to simulated tractor-feed holes along the sides. (The bars appear to be periwinkle blue, however.) A twin set, including one flat sheet, one fitted sheet and one pillowcase, costs $59.95. A queen set, with two pillowcases, is $79.95. Extra pillowcases are $19.95 a pair. - <a href="" target="_hplink">The Baltimore Sun, December 1990</a></blockquote> * We couldn't find an image of the tractor-feed paper bedsheets. Anyone still sleeping on them?

  • N.W.A. Meets MS-DOS

    <blockquote>Poetry Processor: Perfect for rappers, songwriters, poets, or teachers. Contains everything you need to write formal poetry, from sonnets to villanelles. Includes form editor, rhyming dictionary, and much more, $89.95 - <a href="" target="_hplink">Compute! Magazine, December 1992</a></blockquote> * "<a href="">Poetry Processor</a>" was made by Professor Michael Newman, "a protege of poet W.H. Auden and former editor at the Paris Review," <a href="">per a 1992 Article in Computer Shopper</a>. The Poetry Processor could run on the original Macintosh PowerBook, at left, which retailed for anywhere between $2,299 to $4,599, <a href="">per</a>

  • Microsoft Office Costs HOW Much??

    <blockquote>The Microsoft Office for Windows: Four business applications in one package. Microsoft Word for Windows (word processing), Microsoft Excel for Windows (spreadsheet), Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows (presentation graphics), and Microsoft Mail Windows Workstation (electronic mail for PC networks). List price, $799 - <a href="" target="_hplink">Compute! Magazine, December 1992</a></blockquote> * (For an eye-opening video demonstration of Office '92, <a href="">check out this video from CreativeNights on YouTube</a>).

  • Remember When You Had To Pay For These Things? Part 1

    <blockquote>Speaking of fiddling with Windows, several companies have recently introduced stunning and often fun screensavers. Disney Software has just come out with the Disney Collection that I haven't tried but have heard a rave from one user. The Energizer Bunny, too, is a favorite. Prices vary, but generally screensavers can be found for under $30. - <a href=",3234112&dq=computer+gift+ideas&hl=en" target="_hplink">The Hour, December 1993</a></blockquote> * A version of the Energizer Bunny screensaver, to your left, <a href="">recently sold on Etsy for $4.50</a>.

  • Remember When You Had To Pay For These Things? Part 2

    <blockquote>Sharp has a new line of electronic address books. The Sharp OZ-8000 Wizard ($360) stores up to 1,500 phone numbers. Rolodex has gone high-tech with a 4-inch invention called The Business Card-- another gadget to store phone numbers. - <a href="" target="_hplink">Palm Beach Post, 1991</a></blockquote> * Ebay seller ewcm99 <a href="">tried to sell four Sharp Wizard OZ-8000s in October</a>, starting at $50 for the set. The auction received zero bids.

  • Death, Taxes And Scarcity Of Apple Products

    <blockquote><a href="" target="_hplink">Apple IIGS</a>: If you can find one, the Apple IIGS will probably please anyone who likes ot show off his or her creative abilities. At around $1,000 for the basic machine, the IIGS excels in its graphics and sound capabilities... Because the machine is a very recent introduction, it is about as easy to find right now as a game of Lazer Tag. - <em><a href=",3234112&dq=computer+gift+ideas&hl=en">The Day, December 1986</a></em></blockquote> * You can <a href="">read much more about the Apple IIGS on the excellent</a>.

  • Try To Wrap Your Mind Around This One

    <blockquote>Pioneer is pushing something called the Laser Karaoke System. First introduced in bars and restaurants, the Karaoke systems (from $700 to $1,600) give people at home the chance to sing-along with "visually exciting music videos." - <a href="" target="_hplink">Palm Beach Post, 1991</a></blockquote> * Karaoke, obviously, only became more popular from there. LaserDiscs, however? Not so much. (<a href="">Image via John The Revelator</a>).

  • Something Tells Me This Guy Won't Be Impressed With The Kindle Fire

    <blockquote>For $500, Sony's DATA Discman plays computer-ready books on a little screen. What can you do with it? "Basically, you just read the book," Sweeney says. - <a href="" target="_hplink">Palm Beach Post, 1991</a></blockquote> * An early forerunner of the Kindle and Nook. <a href="">CNNMoney has a visual history of the eReader here</a>.

  • Google Fiber, Eat Your Heart Out

    <blockquote>But a modem is needed to connect. Quickcomm of Milpitas, Calif., sells its Spirit II 14,400 bps (bits per second) modem for $250. Some distributors discount it to about $200. It also comes iwth FAX software. Many modems in that speed range are priced at $400-$600. As an example, I transferred a 220,000 byte [ed: .20 MB] file -- the equivalent of about 24,000 words -- in 16 minutes at 2,400 bps. That amounts to 3.45 minutes for transferring the same file, called downloading, with a QuickComm at 14,400 bps, a real savings if it's a long distance call. - <a href=",2107382&dq=computer+gift+ideas&hl=en" target="_hplink">The News-Journal, December 1992</a></blockquote> * If you've got the need for speed in 2012, you can <a href="">purchase a Spirit II from A1 Used Computers in Australia for $20</a>.

  • Source:

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    Mirror of Justice: The Tale of Psychic Sophie, Part II

    ? The Tale of Psychic Sophie, Part I | Main

    December 06, 2012

    The Tale of Psychic Sophie, Part II

    Psychic Sophie, as I mentioned in Part I, appealed the district court's unfavorable disposition of her case to the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, which held oral argument on it Tuesday.? ChiefJudge Traxler, Judge Wilkinson, and Judge Duncan made up the panel.??Here's a news report on the argument.? A?couple of?highlights.

    First, in response to an inquiry about whether predicting the future is "inherently deceptive" (and therefore should not receive constitutional protection), counsel for the defendant County said, "Yes, sir,?it is."? To which CJ Traxler responded, "How would you characterize the Book of Revelation?"? Counsel for the plaintiff seems to have argued that predicting the future is not "inherently" deceptive provided that the prognosticator?"sincerely believes"?the prediction or does not believe that he is being deceptive.? Does the deceptiveness of a prediction of the future depend on the speaker's subjective belief as to its truthfulness and/or his intent to deceive?? I wouldn't think so, but I'm not a free speech maven.? But I suppose one might have replied that predictions of the future are not "inherently" deceptive; they are only contingently true (or false)?-- the contingency being their (dis-)confirmation on the appointed day.? We're still waiting on Revelation.? On the other hand, Montaigne, in his essay, "On Prognostication," doesn't see what all the fuss is about: "[A]lthough there still remain among us certain methods of divination, by the stars, by spirits, by ghosts, by dreams, and otherwise -- a notable example of the senseless curiosity of our nature, occupying itself with future matters, as if it had not enough to do in digesting those at hand --.... It is no advantage to know the future; for it is a wretched thing to suffer suspense all to no purpose[.]"

    Second, Judge Duncan was interested?in the question of whether Psychic Sophie's business and belief system were "religious" or instead a "way of life."? But Judge Wilkinson seemed dubious: "If what she's expressed is a religion, then anything and everything is a religion."? Kevin Walsh quite rightly suggested to me that skepticism about astrology has a distinguished pedigree dating back at least to St. Augustine.? From Book IV, Chapter 3 of the Confessions:

    There was in those days a wise man, very skillful in medicine, and much renowned therein, who had with his own proconsular hand put the Agonistic garland upon my distempered head, not, though, as a physician; for this disease Thou alone healest, who resistest the proud, and givest grace to the humble. But didst Thou fail me even by that old man, or forbear from healing my soul? For when I had become more familiar with him, and hung assiduously and fixedly on his conversation (for though couched in simple language, it was replete with vivacity, life, and earnestness), when he had perceived from my discourse that I was given to books of the horoscope-casters, he, in a kind and fatherly manner, advised me to throw them away, and not vainly bestow the care and labour necessary for useful things upon these vanities; saying that he himself in his earlier years had studied that art with a view to gaining his living by following it as a profession, and that, as he had understood Hippocrates, he would soon have understood this, and yet he had given it up, and followed medicine, for no other reason than that he discovered it to be utterly false, and he, being a man of character, would not gain his living by beguiling people.

    Looking forward to the panel's decision.

    Posted by Marc DeGirolami on December 6, 2012 at 11:41 AM in DeGirolami, Marc | Permalink


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    Top EU court upholds AstraZeneca fine over ulcer drug

    BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union's highest court has upheld a 52.5 million euro ($69 million) antitrust fine levied against AstraZeneca for blocking the entry of cheaper rivals to its then bestseller ulcer drug Losec.

    "The abuses must be characterized as serious infringements, and consequently the amount of the fine cannot be reduced for those reasons," the Luxembourg-based EU Court of Justice (ECJ) said on Thursday.

    The General Court, Europe's second-highest, had backed the European Commission in 2010 against British drugmaker AstraZeneca, but cut the penalty to 52.5 million euros from an original 60 million.

    The Commission, which acts as EU antitrust and competition authority, originally penalized AstraZeneca for actions that regulators said had kept Losec prices artificially high.

    Officials at AstraZeneca were not available to comment.

    Regulators on both sides of the Atlantic have generally frowned on actions by brand-name companies to delay either the production or sale of cheaper medicines to protect their own products.

    The ECJ decision was an endorsement of the European Commission's policy of getting tough on tactics used by drugmakers to block cheap generics - a growing issue for the industry as many medicines reach the end of their patent life.

    A finding in favor of AstraZeneca would have been a significant setback for EU antitrust regulators who have invested considerable time and money in a high-profile battle against pharmaceutical industry abuse in this area.

    The case against AstraZeneca hinged on charges by the Commission that the company gave misleading information related to Losec to several national patent agencies from 1993-2000.

    This blocked or delayed the entry of cheaper generics to the market and also prevented parallel imports of the drug - when the same patented drug is brought in more cheaply from another EU country.

    The AstraZeneca case prompted EU antitrust enforcers to start an inquiry into the pharmaceutical sector in early 2008, which resulted in a critical report on methods used by the industry to delay generic competition and subsequent raids on drugmakers.

    ($1 = 0.7652 euro)

    (Reporting by Foo Yun Chee and Ben Hirschler; Editing by Rex Merrifield and Dan Lalor)


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    Thursday, December 6, 2012

    Spotify Launches Influencer Following Music Graph, Collection, And Instant Previews To Aid Discovery

    Spotify Discover ObamaSpotify employees in the crowd at its New York City press event are chatting about the influencer following system its about to launch, confirming my scoop from late November. Founder Daniel Ek announced Spotify now has 20 million active users, 5 million paid subscribers, and has paid out a half billion dollars to artists' record labels. It also launched Instant Preview which gives you a one-click way to sample an artist you see on the service, and Collection to help you organize the music you dig.


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    Bret Bielema leaves Wisconsin for Arkansas

    FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (AP) ? In its second stunning hiring this year, Arkansas tabbed Wisconsin coach Bret Bielema to take over a program that went into a tailspin after former coach Bobby Petrino was fired for hiring his mistress to work in the athletic department.

    The Razorbacks released a statement Tuesday night saying Bielema will leave the Badgers after seven seasons. The announcement came minutes after he met with players at Wisconsin, and he'll be introduced at an afternoon news conference in Fayetteville on Wednesday.

    "His tough, aggressive style of play has been successful and will be appealing to student-athletes and Razorback fans," Arkansas athletic director Jeff Long said in a statement. "He not only shares the vision and values for the future of Arkansas football, he embraces them."

    A person familiar with the situation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the information hasn't been released publicly, says the deal is for six years and $3.2 million annually.

    Bielema replaces interim coach John L. Smith, who was hired after Petrino was fired. Long announced after the season that Smith wouldn't return.

    Barry Alvarez's hand-picked successor at Wisconsin, Bielema was 68-24 with the Badgers, with four double-digit-win seasons. He coached Wisconsin to a 17-14 victory over Arkansas at the Capital One Bowl in his first season.

    He is leaving the Big Ten for the SEC and a Razorbacks program that opened the year with hopes of challenging for a national championship only to get mired in the Petrino scandal before stumbling to a 4-8 finish.

    Bielema seems likely to bring a far different approach than what the Razorbacks have become accustomed to. Arkansas continually ranked among the Southeastern Conference's best passing teams under Petrino. Bielema, meanwhile, is known for his dominant offensive lines and slew of running backs.

    "During my conversation with Jeff (Long), he described the characteristics for the perfect fit to lead this program," Bielema said in a statement. "It was evident we share the same mission, principles and goals."

    Wisconsin running back Montee Ball tied Barry Sanders' long-standing single-season record of 39 touchdowns last year, and this year became the FBS career leader in touchdowns. He currently has 82 touchdowns after running for three Saturday night in the Big Ten title game against Nebraska ? a 70-31 romp that secured the Badgers third straight trip to the Rose Bowl, where they will play Stanford on Jan. 1.

    The 42-year-old Bielema was the defensive coordinator at Wisconsin for two years before being promoted to head coach in 2006. He played for Iowa and started his coaching career there as an assistant under Hayden Fry and later Kirk Ferentz.

    "I was very surprised when Bret told me he was taking the offer from Arkansas," said Alvarez, now Wisconsin's athletic director. "He did a great job for us during his seven years as head coach, both on the field and off. I want to thank him for his work and wish him the best at Arkansas."

    The Illinois native takes over a program still reeling following the Petrino scandal, one eager for stability and leadership.

    "I'm excited about this decision," Arkansas cornerback Tevin Mitchel tweeted.

    The Razorbacks improved their win total in four straight seasons under Petrino, including a 21-5 mark in 2010-11, and finished last season ranked No. 5. They had talked openly in the spring about competing for the school's first SEC championship and perhaps a national title.

    Then came the April 1 motorcycle accident that led to Petrino's downfall. The married father of four initially lied about being alone during the wreck, later admitting to riding with his mistress ? a former Arkansas volleyball player he had hired to work in the athletic department.

    Smith, who had been an assistant the last three seasons at Arkansas under Petrino, was chosen by Long to guide a team that returned first-team All-SEC quarterback Tyler Wilson and a host of other key playmakers. The decision was lauded by the Razorbacks, who welcomed the personable Smith back with open arms.

    The season hit the skids with a stunning overtime loss to Louisiana-Monroe on Sept. 8, starting a four-game losing streak that dropped Arkansas out of the rankings. The Razorbacks finished with the school's lowest win total since 2005, missing a bowl game for the first time since 2008.

    "It's very difficult for me to believe that is not a bowl-eligible team," LSU coach Les Miles said following the Tigers' win over the Razorbacks in the season finale. "Watching the talent there, (it's) very capable."

    Arkansas struggled to find its identity in the SEC after leaving the former Southwest Conference in 1992, but it appeared to have finally found just that under Petrino, who was hired after leaving the Atlanta Falcons during the season in 2007.

    The Razorbacks turned into an offensive powerhouse under Petrino, leading the league in scoring and total offense last season. After winning 10 games and reaching the school's first BCS bowl game in 2010, losing to Ohio State, Arkansas won 11 games in 2011, capped by a Cotton Bowl win over Kansas State.

    Still, Arkansas has yet to win the SEC, losing in the conference championship game three times.

    While the country watched closely to see how Arkansas would react following Petrino's dismissal, Smith made headlines of his own throughout the season. The former Michigan State and Louisville coach filed for bankruptcy during the season, revealing $40.7 million in debt he blamed on bad land deals.

    He was under far more fire from Arkansas fans for the mounting losses and it will be up to Bielema to turn things around in the loaded SEC West, with Alabama, LSU and now Texas A&M.

    Long said during the season that the new coach would be tasked with building on the recent success at the school, which is looking into expanding the 72,000-seat Razorback Stadium and is currently building an 80,000-square-foot football operations center.

    "The infrastructure in place at Arkansas shows the commitment from the administration to accomplish our goals together and I am excited to begin to lead this group of student-athletes," Bielema said. "This program will represent the state of Arkansas in a way Razorback fans everywhere will be proud of."


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    Typhoon kills at least 283, hundreds missing, in Philippines

    NEW BATAAN, Philippines (Reuters) - Blocked roads and severed communications in the southern Philippines frustrated rescuers on Wednesday as teams searched for hundreds of people missing after the strongest typhoon this year killed at least 283 people.

    Typhoon Bopha, with central winds of 120 kph (75 mph) and gusts of up to 150 kph (93 mph), battered beach resorts and dive spots on Palawan island on Wednesday but it was weakening as it moved west.

    Hardest hit was the southern island of Mindanao, where Bopha made landfall on Tuesday. It triggered landslides and floods along the coast and in farming and mining towns inland.

    Interior Minister Manuel Roxas said 300 people were missing.

    "Entire families were washed away," Roxas, who inspected the disaster zone, told reporters.

    Most affected areas were cut off by destroyed roads and collapsed bridges and army search-and-rescue teams were being flown in by helicopter.

    Power was cut and communications were down.

    According to tallies provided by the military and disaster agency officials, 283 people were killed.

    Thousands of people were in shelters and officials appealed for food, water and clothing. Dozens of domestic flights were suspended on Wednesday.

    The governor of the worst-hit province, Compostela Valley, in Mindanao said waves of water and mud came crashing down mountains and swept through schools, town halls and clinics where huddled residents had sought shelter.

    The death toll in the province stood at 160. In nearby Davao Oriental province, where Bopha made landfall, 110 people were killed.

    "The waters came so suddenly and unexpectedly, and the winds were so fierce," the Compostela Valley governor, Arthur Uy, told Reuters by telephone.

    He said irrigation reservoirs on top of mountains had given way sending large volumes of water down to the valleys. Torrential rain often triggers landslides down slopes stripped of their forest cover.

    Damage to agriculture and infrastructure in the province was extensive, Uy said.


    Corn farmer Jerry Pampusa, 42, and his pregnant wife were marooned in their hut but survived.

    "We were very scared," Pampusa said. "We felt we were on an island because there was water everywhere."

    Another survivor, Francisco Alduisa, said dozens of women and children who had taken shelter in a village centre, had been swept away.

    "We found some of the bodies about 10 km (6 miles) away," Alduisa told Reuters. The only building left standing in his village was the school.

    Another survivor, Julius Julian Rebucas, said his mother and brother disappeared in a flash flood.

    "I no longer have a family," a stunned Rebucas said.

    An army commander said two dozen people had been pulled from the mud in one area and were being treated in hospital.

    About 20 typhoons hit the Philippines every year, often causing death and destruction.

    Almost exactly a year ago, Typhoon Washi killed 1,500 people in Mindanao. ($1 = 40.87 Philippine pesos)

    (This story fixes spelling of names in byline and 16th, 17th paragraphs)

    (Additional Reporting by Rosemarie Francisco and Manny Mogato; Editing by Robert Birsel)


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    Wednesday, December 5, 2012

    Penn State sorority apologizes for Mexican-themed party

    A sorority having a Mexican-themed party seems harmless. ?But a Penn State sorority party photo surfaced Monday showing a group of girls wearing sombreros, ponchos and fake moustaches and holding signs saying ?will mow lawn for weed? and ?I don?t cut grass, I smoke it,? reports the Onward State.

    The school?s newspaper the Daily Collegian reports the offensive photo reached the Penn State Penhellenic Council to investigate the Nu Gamma Chapter of Chi Omega who in turn issued an apology. ??Our chapter of Chi Omega sincerely apologizes for portraying inappropriate and untrue stereotypes,? said the chapter?s head Jessica Riccardi.

    The identity of the girls from the Chi Omega sorority were discovered because they were tagged on Facebook. ?The students have not been disciplined yet since the case is still under investigation, reports Gawker.

    Onward State reports Susan LeGalley, Penn State?s Assistant Director of Fraternity & Sorority would not comment on the case adding her office ?traditionally doesn?t talk with reporters.?

    This is not the first time students have held inappropriate parties.?Last week, pictures of Baylor University students also in sombreros, moustaches and displaying ?Green Card? signs attempting to scale a border fence surfaced on Facebook and Instagram. ?Baylor is an academic community that does not and would not tolerate racism on our campus,? said Lori Fogleman, the director of ?Media Communications told Latino Rebels. Though the school confirmed the student who posted the pictures was a Baylor student, they could not say if the pictures were taken on campus.?In June,?A Southern California high school?cancelled senior week??Seniores? and ?Senoritas??events after deciding students dressed as gang members, Border Patrol agents and a pregnant female pushing a stroller were offensive.

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    China Technology News: China Mobile to develop own cellphone

    Source: By Shen Jingting (

    China Mobile Ltd, the nation's biggest telecom operator by subscriber, revealed on Wednesday that it would develop self-branded mobile phones.

    During the China Mobile Global Developers Conference 2012 held in Guangzhou, Li Yue, chief executive officer of China Mobile, said it is definite that China Mobile would develop mobile phones and accessories under its own brand.

    "However, we will not compete with other industry mobile phone vendors," Li said. He took the US-based Wal-Mart Stores Inc as an example. When Wal-Mart sells other producers' merchandise, the company also provide customers with its self-branded products.

    "China Mobile will do things that we should do. We will deliver added-value products (based on our own resources)," Li said during the conference.

    On July 11, China Mobile announced it had successfully developed the first TD-SCDMA 3G mobile phone supporting Near Field Communication technology.

    Previously, some Chinese Internet companies, including Baidu Inc, Alibaba Group and Qihoo 360 Technology, launched their own self-branded smartphones. Analysts pointed out that launching mobile phones on their own could enable them to embed their own Internet services in the devices to create closer ties with customers.

    Li also confirmed China Mobile is expecting to cooperate with Apple Inc. "Apple is one of the greatest terminal manufacturers around the world. We started making contact in 2007," Li said.

    "China Mobile and Apple still have to solve many issues, such as the business model, articles of cooperation and revenue division, but I believe we will reach an agreement eventually," Li added.


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    Many maps of the brain

    ScienceDaily (Dec. 6, 2012) ? Your brain has at least four different senses of location -- and perhaps as many as 10. And each is different, according to new research from the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

    The findings, published in the 6 December 2012 issue of Nature, show that rather than just a single sense of location, the brain has a number of "modules" dedicated to self-location. Each module contains its own internal GPS-like mapping system that keeps track of movement, and has other characteristics that also distinguishes one from another.

    "We have at least four senses of location," says Edvard Moser, director of the Kavli Institute. "Each has its own scale for representing the external environment, ranging from very fine to very coarse. The different modules react differently to changes in the environment. Some may scale the brain's inner map to the surroundings, others do not. And they operate independently of each other in several ways."

    This is also the first time that researchers have been able to show that a part of the brain that does not directly respond to sensory input, called the association cortex, is organized into modules. The research was conducted using rats.

    Technical breakthroughs

    A rat's brain is the size of a grape, while the area that keeps track of the sense of location and memory is comparable in size to a small grape seed. This tiny area holds millions of nerve cells.

    A research team of six people worked for more than four years to acquire extensive electrophysiological measurements in this seed-sized region of the brain. New measurement techniques and a technical breakthrough made it possible for Hanne Stensola and her colleagues to measure the activity in as many as 186 grid cells of the same rat brain. A grid cell is a specialized cell named for its characteristic of creating hexagonal grids in the brain's mental map of its surroundings.

    "We knew that the 'grid maps' in this area of the brain had resolutions covering different scales, but we did not know how independent the scales were of each other," Stensola said. "We then discovered that the maps were organized in four to five modules with different scales, and that each of these modules reacted slightly differently to changes in their environment. This independence can be used by the brain to create new combinations -- many combinations -- which is a very useful tool for memory formation."

    After analysing the activity of nearly 1000 grid cells, researchers were able to conclude that the brain has not just one way of making an internal map of its location, but several.

    Perhaps 10 different senses of location

    Institute director Moser says that while researchers are able to state with confidence that there are at least four different location modules, and have seen clear evidence of a fifth, there may be as many as 10 different modules.

    He says, however, that researchers need to conduct more measurements before they will have covered the entire grid-cell area. "At this point we have measured less than half of the area," he says.

    Aside from the time and challenges involved in making these kinds of measurements, there is another good reason why researchers have not yet completed this task. The lower region of the sense of location area, the entorhinal cortex, has a resolution that is so coarse or large that it is virtually impossible to measure it.

    "The thinking is that the coordinate points for some of these maps are as much as ten metres apart," explains Moser. "To measure this we would need to have a lab that is quite a lot larger and we would need time to test activity over the entire area. We work with rats, which run around while we make measurements from their brain. Just think how long it would take to record the activity in a rat if it was running back and forth exploring every nook and cranny of a football field. So you can see that we have some challenges here in scaling up our experiments."

    New way to organize

    Part of what makes the discovery of the grid modules so special is that it completely changes our understanding of how the brain physically organizes abstract functions. Previously, researchers have shown that brain cells in sensory systems that are directly adjacent to each other tend to have the same response pattern. This is how they have been able to create detailed maps of which parts of the sensory brain do what.

    The new research shows that a modular organization is also found in the highest parts of the cortex, far away from areas devoted to senses or motor outputs. But these maps are different in the sense that they overlap or infiltrate other. It is thus not possible to locate the different modules with a microscope, because the cells that work together are intermingled with other modules in the same area.

    "The various components of the grid map are not organized side by side," explains Moser. "The various components overlap. This is the first time a brain function has been shown to be organized in this way at separate scales. We have uncovered a new way for neural network function to be distributed."

    A map and a constant

    The researchers were surprised, however, when they started calculating the difference between the scales. They may have discovered an ingenious mathematical coding system, along with a number, a constant. (Anyone who has read or seen "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" may enjoy this.) The scale for each sense of location is actually 42% larger than the previous one.

    "We may not be able to say with certainty that we have found a mathematical constant for the way the brain calculates the scales for each sense of location, but it's very funny that we have to multiply each measurement by 1.42 to get the next one. That is approximately equal to the square root of the number two," says Moser.

    Maps are genetically encoded

    Moser thinks it is striking that the relationship between the various functional modules is so orderly. He believes this orderliness shows that the way the grid map is organized is genetically built in, and not primarily the result of experience and interaction with the environment.

    So why has evolution equipped us with four or more senses of location?

    Moser believes the ability to make a mental map of the environment arose very early in evolution. He explains that all species need to navigate, and that some types of memory may have arisen from brain systems that were actually developed for the brain's sense of location.

    "We see that the grid cells that are in each of the modules send signals to the same cells in the hippocampus, which is a very important component of memory," explains Moser. "This is, in a way, the next step in the line of signals in the brain. In practice this means that the location cells send a different code into the hippocampus at the slightest change in the environment in the form of a new pattern of activity. So every tiny change results in a new combination of activity that can be used to encode a new memory, and, with input from the environment, becomes what we call memories.

    The article is a part of doctoral research conducted by Hanne and Tor Stensola, and has been funded through an Advanced Investigator Grant that Edvard Moser was awarded by the European Research Council (ERC).

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

    Journal Reference:

    1. Hanne Stensola, Tor Stensola, Trygve Solstad, Kristian Fr?land, May-Britt Moser, Edvard I. Moser. The entorhinal grid map is discretized. Nature, 2012; 492 (7427): 72 DOI: 10.1038/nature11649

    Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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    Tuesday, December 4, 2012

    Bush says immigrants fill gap in labor market

    DALLAS (AP) -- As the U.S. debates immigration policy, former President George W. Bush says it should "do so with a benevolent spirit and keep in mind the contribution of immigrants."

    "Immigrants have helped build the country that we've become and immigrants can help build a dynamic tomorrow," Bush said Tuesday as he opened a conference on the benefits of immigration hosted by the George W. Bush Institute and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

    The conference comes as immigration reform is getting renewed attention following an election in which Hispanics overwhelmingly supported Democratic President Barack Obama. Bush has long been concerned about immigration and had warned the Republican Party as he left office in January 2009 not to become "anti-immigrant."

    "America can be a lawful society and a welcoming society at the same time," Bush said Tuesday.

    One of the Bush Institute's focuses is economic growth, and the conference is part of an institute initiative to find ways for the U.S. to achieve 4 percent gross domestic product growth. For the most recent quarter, the country's GDP grew at 2.7 percent.

    Bush said immigrants come with "new skills and new ideas" and "fill a critical gap in our labor market."

    Following Bush's remarks, the conference featured panels with business leaders and economic experts on both the immigrants' contributions to economic growth and their contributions to businesses.

    A handbook on growth and immigration by the institute notes immigrants are more likely than people born in the U.S. to be self-employed and are disproportionally responsible for U.S. international patent applications and for starting successful engineering and technology firms.

    Immigration reform is expected to be taken up by Congress starting next year.

    Bush's own promised overhaul of immigration policy in his second term was defeated in Congress when leading lawmakers, including fellow Republicans, thought provisions such as a guest worker program amounted to amnesty for illegal immigrants.

    Michelle Mittelstadt, spokeswoman for the Migration Policy Institute, said it's significant that Bush is speaking about the issue at a time when "there's a lot of soul-searching in the Republican Party about what sort of policy decisions it should be taking on immigration."

    She said Bush set out a framework for immigration reform in the early months of his presidency, before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks changed the direction of his administration, and then tried in 2006 and 2007 to get an immigration overhaul through Congress.

    "Though he didn't succeed, he has a long track record of working on this issue," she said.

    The current push for reform comes from both a recognition that the system is "broken or is dysfunctional" and an acknowledgement that it will be an important issue for both parties, she said.

    James K. Glassman, executive director of the Bush Institute, said that when the institute was identifying policy areas that could help grow the economy, immigration was one of the points that quickly emerged.

    "We need to attract the best and brightest and keep them here," Glassman said.

    Glassman added that the U.S. also needs a solution for those who are already in the country illegally.

    He said the institute's goal is to raise the visibility of immigration issues, making sure that economic growth is connected to immigration. "We see our role as being longer term and broader," Glassman said.

    "We didn't plan on this being so timely, but there is no doubt it is extremely timely," Glassman said.


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    Taylor Swift and Harry Styles
    Photo: Splash News


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    Martin Named To Communications Post At Southern Bancorp

    Karen Martin is the new director of communications for Southern Bancorp Inc. a bank holding company based in Arkansas.

    Martin will be responsible for managing internal and external communications ? including news dissemination, media relations, public relations, social media and marketing activities ? for Southern Bancorp Inc. and its nonprofit affiliate Southern Bancorp Community Partners.

    She has held previous posts at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Arkansas Gazette and Arkansas Business Publishing Group. She has also worked in communications and public relations at Baptist Health and Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods (CJRW).

    ?Community development banks like Southern are ever more critical to the recovery of communities across America,? says Dominic Mjartan, senior vice president. ?We are excited to have Karen?s unique talents and skills to help us tell the story of our growing impact, reach and focus on building communities and changing lives.?

    Martin, a native of Cleveland, Ohio graduated from Cleveland State University.


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    Monday, December 3, 2012

    Dinosaur skull seized from Wyoming home

    (AP) ? A federal Homeland Security Department official says a dinosaur skull seized from a Wyoming home is related to an investigation into fossil smuggling from Mongolia.

    Louis Martinez of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations says he can't release any more detail because the investigation is ongoing.

    The fossil seized in Wyoming came from a close relative of the Tyrannosaurus rex and is worth between $250,000 and $400,000.

    The Tarbosaurus lived about 70 million years ago.

    Federal officials recently seized a nearly complete Tarbosaurus skeleton that was sold at auction and arrested a Florida man for illegally importing dinosaur fossils.

    A U.S. attorney for the president of Mongolia says that country welcomes the increased awareness for the illegal trade of Mongolian fossils.


    Information from: Jackson Hole (Wyo.) News And Guide,


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    North Korea gears up to launch long-range rocket

    FILE - In this April 8, 2012 file photo, a North Korean soldier stands in front of the country's Unha-3 rocket, slated for liftoff between April 12-16, at Sohae Satellite Station in Tongchang-ri, North Korea. Rocket sections are apparently being trucked into North Korea's northwest launch site, but some analysts are asking whether it's just a calculated bluff meant to jangle the Obama administration and influence South Korean voters ahead of Dec. 19 presidential elections in three weeks. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder, File)

    FILE - In this April 8, 2012 file photo, a North Korean soldier stands in front of the country's Unha-3 rocket, slated for liftoff between April 12-16, at Sohae Satellite Station in Tongchang-ri, North Korea. Rocket sections are apparently being trucked into North Korea's northwest launch site, but some analysts are asking whether it's just a calculated bluff meant to jangle the Obama administration and influence South Korean voters ahead of Dec. 19 presidential elections in three weeks. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder, File)

    FILE - In this April 8, 2012 file photo, North Korea's Unha-3 rocket stands at Sohae Satellite Station in Tongchang-ri, North Korea. North Korea said Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012 it will launch a long-range rocket between Dec. 10 and Dec. 22. The launch will heighten already strained tensions with South Korean ahead of its presidential election on Dec. 19. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder, File)

    FILE - In this Wednesday, April 8, 2012 file photo, North Korea's Unha-3 rocket, slated for liftoff between April 12-16, stands at Sohae Satellite Station in Tongchang-ri, North Korea. North Korea said Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012 it will launch a long-range rocket between Dec. 10 and Dec. 22. The launch will heighten already strained tensions with South Korean ahead of its presidential election on Dec. 19. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder, File)

    FILE - This Monday Nov. 26, 2012 file satellite image provided by DigitalGlobe and annotated by 38 North, the website of the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, shows the Sohae Satellite Launch Station in Cholsan County, North Pyongan Province, North Korea. North Korea said Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012 it will launch a long-range rocket between Dec. 10 and Dec. 22, a move likely to heighten already strained tensions with Washington and Seoul ahead of South Korean presidential elections Dec. 19. (AP Photo/DigitalGlobe via 38 North, File)

    FILE - In this April 8, 2012 file photo, a group of journalists walk down a road in front of North Korea's Unha-3 rocket at Sohae Satellite Station in Tongchang-ri, North Korea. April 8, 2012. North Korea said Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012 it will launch a long-range rocket between Dec. 10 and Dec. 22. The launch will heighten already strained tensions with South Korean ahead of its presidential election on Dec. 19. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder, File)

    (AP) ? North Korea is gearing up to fire a long-range rocket this month in a defiant move expected to raise the stakes of a global standoff over its missile and nuclear programs.

    The North's announcement Saturday that it would launch the rocket between Dec. 10 and Dec. 22 came as President Barack Obama prepares for his second term and as South Korea holds presidential elections Dec. 19.

    It would be North Korea's second launch attempt under leader Kim Jong Un, who took power following his father Kim Jong Il's death nearly a year ago. Some analysts have expressed skepticism that North Korea has corrected whatever caused the embarrassing misfire of its last rocket eight months ago. That launch earned the country widespread international condemnation.

    A spokesman for North Korea's Korean Committee for Space Technology, however, said scientists have "analyzed the mistakes" made in the failed April launch and improved the precision of its Unha rocket and Kwangmyongsong satellite, according to the official Korean Central News Agency.

    The statement said the launch was a request of late leader Kim Jong Il. He died on Dec. 17, 2011, and North Koreans are expected to mark that date this year with some fanfare. The space agency said the rocket would be mounted with a polar-orbiting Earth observation satellite, and maintained its right to develop a peaceful space program.

    Washington considers North Korea's rocket launches to be veiled covers for tests of technology for long-range missiles designed to strike the United States, and such tests are banned by the United Nations.

    "A North Korean 'satellite' launch would be a highly provocative act," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in Washington, D.C. "Any North Korean launch using ballistic missile technology is in direct violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions."

    In 2009, North Korea conducted rocket and nuclear tests within months of Obama taking office.

    North Korea has capable short- and medium-range missiles, but long-range launches in 1998, 2006, 2009 and in April of this year ended in failure. North Korea is not known to have succeeded in mounting an atomic bomb on a missile but is believed to have enough weaponized plutonium for at least half a dozen bombs, according to U.S. experts. In 2010 it revealed a uranium enrichment program that could provide a second source of material for nuclear weapons.

    Six-nation negotiations on dismantling North Korea's nuclear program in exchange for aid fell apart in early 2009.

    There has been some skepticism about whether North Korea will succeed.

    "Preparing for a launch less than a year after a failure calls into question whether the North could have analyzed and fixed whatever went wrong," David Wright, a physicist with the Union of Concerned Scientists, wrote on the organization's website this week.

    In Seoul, South Korean officials have accused North Korea of trying to influence its presidential election with what they consider provocations meant to put pressure on voters and on the United States as the North seeks concessions. Conservative Park Geun-hye, the daughter of late President Park Chung-hee, is facing liberal Moon Jae-in in the South Korean presidential vote. Polls show the candidates in a close race.

    North Korea is "working hard to influence the upcoming election. They may have a preferred candidate," South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said in an interview with a small group of foreign reporters in the presidential Blue House. "Even if they test fire a missile, it will not have a big impact on the election," Lee said, speaking through an interpreter.

    Lee gave the interview Thursday but his office embargoed the publication of his comments until Sunday.

    North Korea under its young leader has pledged to bolster its nuclear arsenal unless Washington scraps what the North calls a "hostile" policy. North Korea maintains that it is building bombs to defend itself against what it sees as a U.S. nuclear threat in the region.

    This year is the centennial of the birth of national founder Kim Il Sung, the grandfather of Kim Jong Un. According to North Korean propaganda, 2012 is meant to put the North on a path toward a "strong, prosperous and great nation."

    "North Korea appears to be under pressure to redeem its April launch failure before the year of the 'strong, prosperous and great nation' ends," said Koh Yu-hwan, a North Korea expert at Dongguk University in Seoul.

    He added that a successful rocket launch would raise North Korea's bargaining power with South Korea and the United States "because it means the country is closer to developing missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads."

    Before its last two rocket launches, North Korea notified the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization about its intentions to launch. IMO spokeswoman Natasha Brown said that as of Friday the organization had not been notified by North Korea.

    The North's announcement on Saturday comes two days after South Korea canceled what would have been the launch of its first satellite from its own territory. Scientists in Seoul cited technical difficulties. South Korea's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the North's planned launch is "a grave provocation and a head-on challenge to the international community."

    North Korea's missile and nuclear programs will be a challenge for Obama in his second term and for the incoming South Korean leader. Washington's most recent attempt to negotiate a freeze of the North's nuclear program and a test moratorium in exchange for food aid collapsed with the April launch.

    In Japan, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said he would coordinate with the U.S., South Korea, China and Russia in strongly urging the North to refrain from the rocket launch.

    Japan's defense minister has also ordered missile units to intercept the North Korean rocket if it or its fragments threaten to hit Japan.

    Kyodo News agency said Japan also postponed high-level talks with North Korea scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday.

    British Foreign Secretary William Hague condemned North Korea's launch plan, saying a failure by North Korea to cancel the firing will lead to a further response by the international community.

    The Korean Peninsula remains in a state of war because the 1950-53 Korean conflict ended in a truce, not a peace treaty. Washington stations nearly 30,000 troops in South Korea as a buttress against any North Korean aggression. Tens of thousands more are in nearby Japan.


    Associated Press writers Jean H. Lee, Hyung-jin Kim and Sam Kim in Seoul, Jill Lawless in London, Thomas Strong in Washington, D.C., and Elaine Kurtenbach in Tokyo contributed to this report.

    Associated Press


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    Slow Cooker Recipes for Fall - Sierra Madre, CA Patch

    Fall is the time for warm, hearty meals?and what better way to prepare them than by using your slow cooker?

    Simmer these fall-ingredient (think pumpkins, apples and squash) recipes in your crock-pot, and you?ll stay warm into the winter.

    Apple Crumble Crock-Pot Recipe


    4-5 cooking apples, peeled and sliced

    1/2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed

    1/2 cup flour?

    3/4 cup rolled oats

    1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    1 teaspoon?ground cinnamon

    4 tablespoons butter, softened


    Lightly butter the crock-pot and lay the apple slices at the bottom of the pot. Combine the sugar, flour, rolled oats, nutmeg and cinnamon, and cut in the butter. Sprinkle the topping over the base of apples. Cook on low or auto for 3-5 hours.

    Slow Cooker Squash Stew:


    3 tablespoons?extra virgin olive oil

    1 medium onion, thinly sliced

    2 cloves garlic, sliced

    2 tablespoons?tomato paste

    1/4 teaspoon?red pepper flakes

    1 1/2 cups dried chickpeas, rinsed

    1 pound?butternut squash, peeled and cut into large pieces

    1 bunch?Swiss chard, leaves and stems separated and roughly chopped

    1 piece?Parmesan cheese?rind, plus grated Parmesan for topping (optional)

    Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

    Crusty bread and/or lemon wedges, for serving


    Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook until soft and golden brown, 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in the tomato paste and red pepper flakes and cook 1 minute. Stir in 1/2 cup water, scraping up any browned bits. Transfer the contents of the skillet to a 6-quart slow cooker.

    Add the chickpeas, squash, chard stems (not the leaves), the Parmesan rind, if using, 2 teaspoons salt and 7 cups water to the?slow cooker. Stir, then cover and cook on low, 8 hours.

    Just before serving, lift the lid and stir in the chard leaves; cover and continue cooking 10 more minutes. Season with salt and pepper, and stir to slightly break up the squash. Discard the Parmesan rind, if used. Ladle the stew into bowls; top with the grated Parmesan, if desired, and serve with bread and/or lemon wedges.

    Pumpkin Chili


    1/2 pound ground beef

    1/2 medium onion, chopped

    1/2 red bell pepper, chopped

    1 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes

    1 8-ounce can tomato sauce

    1 15.25-ounce can black beans

    1 cup pumpkin puree

    1 teaspoon chili powder

    1 teaspoon cumin

    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

    Few drops hot sauce

    Salt and pepper, to taste


    In a medium saute pan, brown the ground beef. Add the onions and bell pepper and cook until the onions are translucent.

    In a medium slow cooker, combine the diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, beans, pumpkin, chili powder, cumin, cinnamon and hot sauce. Stir to combine. Add in the cooked beef and stir. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

    Cook on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 4 hours. Serve with your favorite chili toppings, such as cheese, sour cream or tortilla strips.

    And to try more traditional recipes, take a stab at these:

    Slow Cooker Pot Roast


    2-3 cups baby carrots (not sliced)

    3-4 ribs of celery, cut into 1-inch pieces

    One 3- to 5-pound pot roast?

    Salt and pepper

    Flour for dusting

    1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

    1 tablespoon butter

    1 large onion, chopped

    2 garlic cloves, minced

    8-oz. package fresh mushrooms, sliced thick

    1 tablespoon flour

    1 tablespoon tomato paste or ketchup

    2 1/2 cups chicken, beef or vegetable broth


    Place baby carrots and celery slices in the slow cooker.

    Season roast with salt and pepper and lightly coat with flour. In a large stainless steel frying pan, heat vegetable oil until hot. (Try not to use a nonstick pan as you want a good browning on the roast).

    Brown the roast on all sides until evenly browned. Place roast on top of carrots and celery in slow cooker.

    In same frying pan, melt the butter and add the onions, sauteing for several minutes. Add the garlic and cook briefly, but don't let it brown. Add mushrooms, flour, tomato paste or ketchup, and broth and cook, stirring up any browned bits left from the roast. Stir well for a few minutes then carefully pour this mixture on top of the roast in the slow cooker.

    Cover and cook on high for 6 hours. After about 3 hours, you can turn the roast over if you desire (and are at home to do so) but it's not necessary.

    When 6 hours is over, remove the roast and place on a rimmed cutting board. With the cover off the slow cooker, keep the temperature on high and stir the sauce, letting it thicken slightly. If desired, stir together one teaspoon each of butter and flour and add to sauce if it needs thickening.

    To serve, slice pot roast into chucks and place on top of mashed potatoes or cooked egg noodles with the vegetables and gravy.

    Slow Cooker French Onion Soup


    4 medium sweet onions, thinly sliced

    3 garlic cloves, minced

    4 tablespoons of butter

    2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

    2 tablespoons brown sugar

    3 tablespoons flour

    8 ounces of beer

    64 ounces of low-sodium beef stock

    2 tablespoons fresh thyme

    1/2 teaspoon black pepper

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    French bread

    Gruyere cheese, sliced


    Set your crock pot on high, then add onions, garlic, brown sugar, butter, salt and balsamic vinegar and mix until combined.

    Cover and let cook for 60 minutes, stirring occasionally, until onions are a bit caramel?and brown on the edges.

    Add in flour, then stir thoroughly and let sit for 5 minutes.

    Add in beer, beef stock, thyme, and pepper, then turn heat down to low, cover and cook for 6-8 hours.

    Cut french bread into slices.

    Fill soup bowls to the top, then cover with slice of bread and a slice of cheese.

    Set under the broiler for 2-3 minutes, or until cheese is bubbly and golden brown.

    Adapted from Tyler Florence's recipe

    Spicy, Slow Cooker Chili


    2 pounds ground beef

    2 16-ounce cans kidney beans, rinsed and drained

    2 14.5-ounce cans diced tomatoes, drained

    1 8-ounce can tomato sauce

    2 onions, chopped

    1 green bell pepper, chopped

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    3 tablespoons chili powder

    1 tablespoon cayenne pepper

    2 teaspoons salt

    1 teaspoon ground black pepper

    1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese


    First, you want to heat a large skillet on medium-high heat and stir in the ground beef. Cook and stir for about seven minutes until the beef is evenly browned and no longer pink and crumbly. Drain and discard any excess grease in the pan.

    Combine the ground beef, kidney beans, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, onions, bell pepper, garlic, chili powder, cayenne pepper, salt and black pepper into the slow cooker. Cover and cook on low heat for 10 hours, or high heat for about four hours.

    Once it?s cooked, garnish each serving with cheddar cheese and enjoy!


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