Friday, August 31, 2012

How Can the Immune System Be Defined and What Can Be Done to ...

The immune system

- is a system that protects the body from disease by producing antibodies [special cells -proteins - found in the blood and detect harmful antigens (invaders)];

- is a system consisting of antibodies (also known as immunoglobulin), organs, specialized proteins, special cells, and tissues that protect the body against germs and microorganisms;

- is the body?s defense mechanism against bacteria, disease, fungi, germs, microbes, parasites, and viruses;

- is the body?s protection mechanism against infections and diseases.

Why not try to do everything possible to boost it so that we are healthy when we are young and as we age?

The immune system is a complex system consisting of many organs which need regulation and control in order for it to work at its best. A few of these organs are:

- adenoids,

- bone marrow,

- lymphatic system,

- skin ? one of the most important organs ? the body?s first line of defense (along with the mucous membranes),

- spleen,

- thymus.

Antibodies ? also known as immunoglobulin ? are Y-shaped, colorless, specialized immune proteins produced when an antigen is present in the body; they not only detect but also destroy invaders.

It is very important to strengthen and keep a strong immune system, thus avoiding sicknesses and diseases or lessening their severity. Some precautions and tips to keep it strong include:

- do not smoke;

- eat a healthy breakfast -breakfast is the most important meal of the day;

- eat foods that boost your immune system, including:

? alfalfa sprouts, apples, apricots, asparagus, beets, berries (such as blackberries, blueberries, gogi berries, raspberries, strawberries), broccoli, brussel sprouts, cantaloupe, carrots, green peppers, kale, mangoes, nectarines, nuts, onions, peaches, plums, pumpkin, red grapes, spinach, sweet potatoes, tangerines, tomatoes, watermelon;

- exercise regularly;

- relax and try to avoid stress;

- take nutritional supplements such as glyconutrients which maintain healthy cells ? ?every cell in our body ? all 600 trillion of them ? needs glyconutrients?;

- take supplements that boost the immune system ? they may include Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acids with DHA and EPA, rosmarinic acid, zinc, selenium,? ;

- wash you hands thoroughly on a regular basis, especially in the following circumstances:

- coughing,

- dressing wounds or applying first aid,

- exposure to anyone who is ill,

- using a washroom,

- handling food (especially raw chicken, fish, meat, vegetables),

- handling money,

- handling pets,

- opening mail,

- shopping (including using a grocery cart),

- sneezing.

Certain measures occur in the immune system, giving us a warning sign of an allergic disease. Since the immune system affects many parts of our body, it is our responsibility to take proper actions to safeguard it. It is vital that we protect it so that we can have a healthy life when we are young and healthy aging as we grow older. Prevention is the key to living a healthy life.


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Cancer survivor conference planned for fall | - WTVR 6

Posted on: 7:19 pm, August 29, 2012, by Stephanie Rochon, updated on: 11:41pm, August 29, 2012


RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR)?The day cancer treatment ends, a new chapter begins for patients; it?s called survivorship.

But this next phase of life can have its own challenges and struggles.

This fall, cancer organizations in Central Virginia will host a survivor?s conference.

Local experts will answer questions about life after cancer.

Dr. Catherine Hendrickson, with Senior Connections, said the good news is that more people are surviving cancer and living many years with it, but many of them are living with side effects.

The American Cancer Society?estimates there are 13.7 million cancer survivors in the Unites States. ?

Dr. Hendrickson said this new dimension of cancer care is called survivorship.

?Survivorship has to do with nutrition, exercise, fatigue, pain and mental health,? said Dr. Hendrickson.

The conference, called ?The Survivorship Journey,? will be held Saturday, November 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Lewis Botanical Garden. It is also open to caregivers.

Click here for registration information:

Or you can contact Jaime Strohhacker at 804-285-1200,


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Greek police unionists protest planned pay cuts

ATHENS, Greece (AP) ? Dozens of uniformed police officers have protested peacefully outside Greece's Parliament against pay cuts that are planned under the government's new austerity drive.

Shouting slogans and displaying banners, police unionists were joined in the Athens demonstration by firefighters and coast guards.

Friday's protest came as Prime Minister Antonis Samaras chaired a cabinet meeting that discussed, among other things, the ?11.5 billion ($14.4 billion) cutbacks for 2013-2014.

The measures, without which Greece's creditors would stop providing vital rescue loans, are expected to include new cuts in pensions and salaries.

Samaras' conservative-led coalition is still finalizing the details of the package, which will be submitted for approval next week to visiting austerity inspectors.

Greece has been kept afloat by international bailouts since May 2010, granted in exchange for harsh spending cuts.


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University Campus Restaurant Reviews | food and drink

There were absolutely no takers. Appears that my little campus restaurant reviews weren?t enough of a threat. After per week of clenching my teeth, asking for friends to become listed on me, and begging people on the newspaper staff in the future, a Wednesday night arrived and I?d nobody to join me for supper. Restaurant reviews were the most fun thing to happen to me at school, and I didn?t wish to give them up, particularly with a lot of folk queuing for my job, but nothing scared me a lot more than asking a hostess for a table for just one.

I wrote my cafe review also it was one the best I experienced ever written, even earning me a little promotion to forty food dollars per month. I kept writing until the end from the semester, and all through my older year. Sometimes a friend or sweetheart joined me on my Wednesday outings, but ever since that first open public meal alone, the night before I wrote my personal restaurant reviews became a night on my own to unwind, and participate in among my favorite activities: eating.


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Ex-editor of Scottish News of the World charged

The former editor of the Scottish edition of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World tabloid was arrested on Wednesday and charged in connection with the defamation action of a former lawmaker.

Bob Bird, 56, was charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice over Tommy Sheridan's successful legal action against the newspaper in 2006.

Bird was held for questioning at a police station in Glasgow before being released around four hours later.

"I just want to say I'm really sad and disappointed that things have come to this today," Bird told broadcasters after his release.

"I have always tried to do the right thing throughout my 30, 40-odd years in journalism and I will be denying the charge that has been made against me today.

"On legal advice, I can't say any more at the moment."

Bird edited the now-defunct tabloid when it reported allegations about the flamboyant Sheridan's private life.

The former member of the Scottish Parliament sued the newspaper for defamation and was awarded ?200,000 ($315,000, 250,000 euros) in damages.

Sheridan was subsequently charged and convicted of perjury and jailed for three years, but was released after serving one year of his sentence.

In May, British Prime Minister David Cameron's former media chief Andy Coulson was arrested and charged over evidence that he gave at Sheridan's perjury trial.

Coulson is a former editor of the London-based edition of the News of the World.

Murdoch shut down the News of the World in July last year amid a storm of allegations that it had hacked the phones of a murdered schoolgirl and accessed the voicemails of hundreds of celebrities and politicians.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meet the Very First Rover To Land On Mars

Mars 3 was a probe, not a rover.

Soviets definitely got their probe on before the west, and probed repeatedly, both Mars and Venus.

The probes on Venus had really short lives, due to the inhospitable conditions.. lot of cash for a little bit of observations. (I think the longest living one made two hours? forget now).


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Turkey to press for safe zone in Syria

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) ? Turkey's foreign minister said Wednesday he would press the United Nations Security Council to set up a safe haven inside Syria to protect thousands of people fleeing the violence there as his country is straining to shelter an increasing flow of refugees.

Turkey has long been floating the idea of a no-fly zone, or buffer zone, to protect displaced Syrians from attacks by President Bashar Assad's forces, but the issue has become more pressing now the number of refugees in Turkey has exceeded 80,000 ? an amount it says approaches its limits.

The refugee agency has said up to 200,000 refugees could eventually flee to Turkey.

"We expect the U.N. to step in and protect the refugees inside Syria, and if possible, to shelter them in camps there," Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told reporters before leaving for New York to attend Thursday's high-level U.N. Security Council meeting on Syria.

"We shall be requesting that the U.N. take effective steps for the problems we are faced," Davutoglu said. "When refugee numbers reach hundreds of thousands, this problem goes beyond being an internal issue and becomes an international one. No one has the right to expect Turkey to take on this international responsibility on its own."

All nine camps along Turkey's 911-kilometer (566-mile) long border with Syria used to shelter Syrians fleeing the conflict are full, and the country is building four new camps to accommodate new arrivals. One opened late Tuesday, allowing authorities to start letting in several thousand more displaced Syrians who were waiting on the Syrian side of the border, an official said.

He spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government rules that bar civil servants from speaking to reporters without prior authorization.


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New method: Research team analyzes stress biology in babies

New method: Research team analyzes stress biology in babies [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Aug-2012
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Contact: Prof. Dr. Gunther Meinlschmidt
Ruhr-University Bochum

Pregnancy duration predicts stress response in the first months of life

After waking up, the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol in saliva rises considerably; this is true not only for grown-ups but for babies as well. A research team from the Ruhr-Universitt Bochum and from Basel has reported this finding in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology. "This gives us a new, non-invasive and uncomplicated possibility to already research the activity of the stress system during infancy," Prof. Dr. Gunther Meinlschmidt, of the Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the LWL University Hospital of the RUB, said. The information not only open doors to the pursuit of as-yet unresolved research inquiries, but could also be used in the future to diagnose illnesses in the hormone-producing organs, such as the adrenal gland, of infants.

Testing stress hormones: easy with grown-ups, hard with babies

Scientists usually test the stress hormones of grown-ups by placing test subjects in an experiment under stress-inducing conditions. Since a similar practice is, for ethical reasons, unthinkable to use with babies, it is rather more difficult to find out how well-developed their stress systems are. The German-Swiss research team circumvented this problem by observing a naturally occurring "stress situation" waking up. The cortisol-concentration in grown-ups rises after they wake up, presumably to prepare the body for the requirements of the day. At what age this cortisol-reaction develops has long been unclear.

Cortisol levels rise in babies upon waking up

Data from 64 newborns and infants between the ages of three weeks and six months were used in the study. On two days the infants' parents had their children suck on a small cotton swab at home, once right after waking up and once half an hour later. Through this saliva, the scientists determined the cortisol-concentration. The cortisol amount rose considerably after the infants awoke in 63 % of cases. Neither the hour that the child woke up nor breastfeeding after waking played any role in these findings.

The shorter the pregnancy, the less the cortisol-level rises

Instead the length of the pregnancy had an effect. The earlier the children were born, the less their cortisol-levels rose after they woke up. "The stress hormone system may be less mature in babies who were born after a shorter pregnancy, which could have negative consequences," assistant professor Marion Tegethoff, of the Faculty for Psychology at the University of Basel, said. Since cortisol can inhibit the immune system, the lack of cortisol-level rises could lead to excess immunological responses, similarly to what occurs with allergies.

Approaching new research questions through saliva tests

Stress increases the risk for mental disorders and bodily illnesses. There is now a new method available to investigate the stress systems easily in babies. Prof. Meinlschmidt, head of the Research Department of Psychobiology, Psychosomatics, and Psychotherapy at the LWL University Hospital in Bochum explains future research questions: "In some rodents the hormonal stress response in the first weeks of life is, for a specific timeframe, close to shut down perhaps to protect organs that are developing during this time. It is still unknown if there is a comparable phase in humans, since it has long been impossible, because of ethical reasons, to repeatedly assess the hormonal stress reaction."


Bibliographic record

M. Tegethoff, N. Knierzinger, A.H. Meyer, G. Meinlschmidt (2012): Cortisol awakening response in infants during the first six postnatal months and its relation to birth outcome, Psychoneuroendocrinology, doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.08.002

Further information

Prof. Dr. Gunther Meinlschmidt; Research Department of Psychobiology, Psychosomatics, and Psychotherapy; Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, LWL University Hospital, Alexandrinenstrasse 1-3, 44791 Bochum, Germany, Phone: +49/234/5077-3173

Click for more

Research Department of Neuroscience at RUB

Editor: Dr. Julia Weiler

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

New method: Research team analyzes stress biology in babies [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Aug-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Prof. Dr. Gunther Meinlschmidt
Ruhr-University Bochum

Pregnancy duration predicts stress response in the first months of life

After waking up, the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol in saliva rises considerably; this is true not only for grown-ups but for babies as well. A research team from the Ruhr-Universitt Bochum and from Basel has reported this finding in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology. "This gives us a new, non-invasive and uncomplicated possibility to already research the activity of the stress system during infancy," Prof. Dr. Gunther Meinlschmidt, of the Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the LWL University Hospital of the RUB, said. The information not only open doors to the pursuit of as-yet unresolved research inquiries, but could also be used in the future to diagnose illnesses in the hormone-producing organs, such as the adrenal gland, of infants.

Testing stress hormones: easy with grown-ups, hard with babies

Scientists usually test the stress hormones of grown-ups by placing test subjects in an experiment under stress-inducing conditions. Since a similar practice is, for ethical reasons, unthinkable to use with babies, it is rather more difficult to find out how well-developed their stress systems are. The German-Swiss research team circumvented this problem by observing a naturally occurring "stress situation" waking up. The cortisol-concentration in grown-ups rises after they wake up, presumably to prepare the body for the requirements of the day. At what age this cortisol-reaction develops has long been unclear.

Cortisol levels rise in babies upon waking up

Data from 64 newborns and infants between the ages of three weeks and six months were used in the study. On two days the infants' parents had their children suck on a small cotton swab at home, once right after waking up and once half an hour later. Through this saliva, the scientists determined the cortisol-concentration. The cortisol amount rose considerably after the infants awoke in 63 % of cases. Neither the hour that the child woke up nor breastfeeding after waking played any role in these findings.

The shorter the pregnancy, the less the cortisol-level rises

Instead the length of the pregnancy had an effect. The earlier the children were born, the less their cortisol-levels rose after they woke up. "The stress hormone system may be less mature in babies who were born after a shorter pregnancy, which could have negative consequences," assistant professor Marion Tegethoff, of the Faculty for Psychology at the University of Basel, said. Since cortisol can inhibit the immune system, the lack of cortisol-level rises could lead to excess immunological responses, similarly to what occurs with allergies.

Approaching new research questions through saliva tests

Stress increases the risk for mental disorders and bodily illnesses. There is now a new method available to investigate the stress systems easily in babies. Prof. Meinlschmidt, head of the Research Department of Psychobiology, Psychosomatics, and Psychotherapy at the LWL University Hospital in Bochum explains future research questions: "In some rodents the hormonal stress response in the first weeks of life is, for a specific timeframe, close to shut down perhaps to protect organs that are developing during this time. It is still unknown if there is a comparable phase in humans, since it has long been impossible, because of ethical reasons, to repeatedly assess the hormonal stress reaction."


Bibliographic record

M. Tegethoff, N. Knierzinger, A.H. Meyer, G. Meinlschmidt (2012): Cortisol awakening response in infants during the first six postnatal months and its relation to birth outcome, Psychoneuroendocrinology, doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.08.002

Further information

Prof. Dr. Gunther Meinlschmidt; Research Department of Psychobiology, Psychosomatics, and Psychotherapy; Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, LWL University Hospital, Alexandrinenstrasse 1-3, 44791 Bochum, Germany, Phone: +49/234/5077-3173

Click for more

Research Department of Neuroscience at RUB

Editor: Dr. Julia Weiler

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

World's Oldest Arthropods ? ThanksForNuthin

The images to your left, dear Neatoramanauts, are photomicrographs of the world's oldest arthropods (invertebrate animals that include insects, arachnids, and crustaceans) preserved in amber:

Even though arthropods are more than 400 million years old, until now, the oldest record of the animals in amber dates to about 130 million years. The newly discovered arthropods break that mold with an age of 230 million years. They are the first arthropods to be found in amber from the Triassic Period.

Link (Image: University of G?ttingen/A. Schmidt)

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Student shot on 1st day of school near Baltimore

PERRY HALL, Md. (AP) ? A high school student has been shot at a Baltimore County high school.

County police say the Perry Hall High School student was flown to a hospital after being shot Monday morning. Police did not provide any additional details.

The school is being evacuated. Police say students are being escorted to the nearby Perry Hall Shopping Center, and parents can meet them there.

Monday is the first day of classes for Baltimore County public schools.

Perry Hall is a middle-class community along the Interstate 95 corridor, northeast of Baltimore city.


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Juninho, Dunivant lead Galaxy past FC Dallas

Associated Press Sports

updated 9:35 p.m. ET Aug. 26, 2012

CARSON, Calif. (AP) - Juninho and Todd Dunivant scored second-half goals to help the Los Angeles Galaxy beat FC Dallas 2-0 on Sunday.

Juninho tucked away a feed in the 66th minute from Jose Villarreal after the rookie forward stripped Dallas defender Matt Hedges about 15 yards outside the Hoops' box and raced past goalkeeper Kevin Hartman on the left. Juninho first-timed the shot into a virtually open net.

Dunivant scored in the 84th after sending a pass to Robbie Keane in Dallas' box, then racing forward for a penetrating ball from Michael Stephens.

The victory moved the Galaxy (12-11-4) within three points of second-place Seattle and third-place Real Salt Lake in a tight battle behind Western Conference leader San Jose. Dallas (8-12-8) is five points behind Vancouver in the fight for the fifth and final Western playoff berth.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

17 Afghans beheaded in insurgent attack on party

(AP) ? Insurgents beheaded 17 civilians in a Taliban-controlled area of southern Afghanistan, apparently because they attended a dance party that flouted the extreme brand of Islam embraced by the militants, officials said Monday.

The killings, in a district where U.S. Marines have battled the Taliban for years, were a reminder of how much power the insurgent group still wields in the south ? particularly as international forces draw down and hand areas over to Afghan forces.

The victims were part of a large group that had gathered late Sunday in Helmand province's Musa Qala district for a celebration involving music and dancing, said district government chief Neyamatullah Khan. He said the Taliban slaughtered them to show their disapproval of the event.

All of the bodies were decapitated but it was not clear if they had been shot first, said provincial government spokesman Daoud Ahmadi.

Information was only trickling out slowly because the area where the killings occurred is largely Taliban controlled, Khan said. The Taliban spokesman for southern Afghanistan could not be reached for comment.

Many Afghans and international observers have expressed worries that the Taliban's brutal interpretation of Islamic justice will return as international forces withdraw. Under the Taliban, who ruled the country from 1996 to 2001, all music and film was banned as un-Islamic, and women were barred from leaving their homes without a male family member as an escort.

Helmand is one of the areas seeing the largest reduction in U.S. troops, as the force increase ordered up by President Barack Obama departs. The U.S. started drawing down forces from a peak of nearly 103,000 last year, and plans to have decreased to 68,000 troops in country by October.

One of the most worrying trends to accompany the drawdown has been a surge in attacks by Afghan forces against their international allies, and another shooting came on Monday morning, though it appeared to be accidental.

Two American soldiers were shot and killed by one of their Afghan colleagues in the east, military officials said, bringing to 12 the number of international troops ? all Americans ? to die at the hands of their local allies this month.

But Afghan officials said Monday's attack in Laghman province was a separate case from the rash of recent insider attacks on international forces, because it appeared to have been unintentional.

The incident unfolded when a group of U.S. and Afghan soldiers came under attack, said Noman Hatefi, a spokesman for the Afghan army corps in eastern Afghanistan. When the troops returned fire and ran to take up fighting positions, an Afghan soldier fell and accidentally discharged his weapon, killing two American soldiers with the stray bullets, he said.

"He didn't do this intentionally. But then the commander of the (Afghan) unit started shouting at him, 'What did you do? You killed two NATO soldiers!' And so he threw down his weapon and started to run," Hatefi added. The U.S. troops had already called in air support to help with the insurgent attack and the aircraft fired on the escaping soldier from above, killing him, Hatefi said.

NATO spokesman Lt. Col. Hagen Messer of Germany confirmed that two international soldiers were killed by an Afghan soldier in Laghman province, but declined to give further comment.

Insider attacks have been a problem for the U.S.-led military coalition for years, but it has exploded recently into a crisis. There have been at least 33 such attacks so far this year, killing 42 coalition members, mostly Americans. Last year there were 21 attacks, killing 35; and in 2010 there were 11 attacks with 20 deaths.

The chief spokesman for NATO forces in the country said coalition forces were not pulling back from collaborating with the Afghans because of the attacks.

"We are not going to reduce the close relationship with our Afghan partners," Brig. Gen. Gunter Katz told reporters in the capital.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said that he could not confirm any link between the attacker in Monday's shooting and the insurgency. In previous insider attacks, the Taliban have quickly claimed responsibility and named the assailants. Mujahid did not comment on the other attacks in the south, which is watched over by a different Taliban spokesman.

Meanwhile, Helmand officials reported that 10 Afghan soldiers were killed in an attack on a checkpoint in the south, and five were either kidnapped or joined their assailants.

Ahmadi, the provincial spokesman, said insurgents attacked the checkpoint in Washir district Sunday evening. Another four soldiers were wounded he said. The Afghan Defense Ministry said the checkpoint was attacked by more than 100 insurgents.

Ahmadi said the five missing soldiers left with the insurgents but it was unclear if they were kidnapped or went voluntarily.


Khan reported from Kandahar, Afghanistan. Associated Press writers Amir Shah and Rahim Faiez contributed to this report in Kabul.

Associated Press


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What I Learned This Week in Active Rain- August 19th-August 25th ...

I Learn Something New at ActiveRain Every Day and It's Time I Showed You. ?August 19th ??to August 25th, 2012.

I learn something new every day at ActiveRain! ?With this series I try to highlight one post per day that gave me that ?lightbulb? moment. ?It could be something techie, about Real Estate, about a place or person!

richard zaretskyAugust 17: Richard Zaretsky ??Real Estate Agents Becoming Pawn in Scam On Attorney Trust Accounts
I know this was last week, but a reblog of this by Gabe Sanders ?caught my eye and I had to put this in my ah-ha post.

nancy gollidayAugust 19: ?Nancy Golliday ?What the Heck is Vlogging?
I know we?ve all been encouraged to add video to our websites and blogs but I haven?t given that much thought to vlogging. ?And, as Nancy has pointed out, how do you add tags?

george soutoAugust 20: George Souto ?American Red Cross Blood Supply is at Critical Levels.
Donating your blood is one of the easiest things you can do. ?It takes just a little of your time but can make a huge difference. ??I think we?ve all been so busy with work and other things going on in our lives that we forget the need our blood banks have.

liz and bill spearAugust 21: Bill and Liz Spear ??Blogging Works Even If They Can?t Tell You It Was ActiveRain.
We?re always striving for page 1 of Google and the closer to the top the better. But, is that so? ?Read what Bill & Liz have to say.

michael georgeAugust 22: ?Michael George ???Never Get Hacked, Chances Are You Need To Read This.

I don?t know about you but I have at least 70 passwords for various sites. ?Yep! ?I?ve also started changing them and making them so different, I couldn?t tell you my password to my email account now if you forced me. ?Be sure to read Michael?s post!

Susan Neal

Susan Neal ??Always Unplug Your Toaster Oven Between Uses.
After my good friends fire last year and a scary moment at another house, I?m very sensitive to house fires. ?Please read this!

cheryl wallerAugust 23: ?Cheryl Waller ??Whiteboard Animation. What is SEO? ?Plus Rock n Roll Real Estate
I know I?ve seen this somewhere, but if you?re looking for some way to add pop to your website or presentation take a look. ?It kept my attention!

joan coxAugust 24: ?Joan Cox ???Tech Talk Thursday..Tools You Can Use.
I love new apps and gadgets, and I?m hoping you?ll find one of the apps Joan mentions useful. If you do nothing at all... go to the video and listen to it. ?It?s definitely worth it.

Frank LaischAugust 25: ?Frank Laisch ???Prepare Your Business for a Hurricane
With Isaac on the way there have been many posts on protecting your home and preparing for an emergency, but what about your business. ?This isn?t just for hurricanes but any emergency that could occur.

amy jonesAmy Jones ??New App that Will Knock Your Panoramic Socks Off
Since getting my iPad I am on a never ending quest for useful apps. ?I?m going to try this one but I think Realtors and Stagers would find this app useful.

Thank you for letting me do what I love to do each day... learn something new!




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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Zimbabwe conservation group: wildlife threatened

HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) ? A consortium of wildlife ranchers says tens of thousands of animals face annihilation in a wave of land takeovers in southeastern Zimbabwe by politicians of President Robert Mugabe's party.

The Save Valley Conservancy said Sunday that thousands of people's livelihoods also are threatened in in the 1,000 square mile (2,600 square kilometer) nature preserve and surrounding districts after hunting permits and land were granted to 25 leaders of the ZANU-PF party in a black empowerment program.

In Sunday newspaper advertisements, the consortium said "greedy individuals" ? including a provincial governor and a Mugabe Cabinet minister ? had used color as "a racial tool" to collapse world-renowned wildlife conservation for short-term gain.

The group said that when humans behave like animals, people destroy not only each other but generations to come.


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Is Mitt Romney the new James Polk? (Powerlineblog)

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How To Handle Pests At Home | Home Improvement Information

Pests can be exasperating and devastating when they?re present at your house. Though you want to avoid hiring a pest control and management pros to do the job for you, there are occasions when you?ve got to spend some cash on their services. If the problem is enormous on magnitude, you need a professional service to get rid of pests. In case the issue can be resolved by you alone, then you only need some important tools to use.

There are some fundamental principles to adhere to when your objective is to reduce and/or eliminate pest populations at home. Below are the things that you can do to keep these vexing pests at bay:

1. Seal all crevices and gaps ? Insects and other pests go through houses beneath doors, around windows, around pipes, vents, cracks, louvres and eaves. You have to use caulking and weatherstripping to seal off these areas so bugs can get in. Sound right? It?s extremely simple. Ask this question: ?If I was a bug, how could I am getting into this house?? It isn?t difficult.

2. No outside lights ? It's true. Bugs are attracted to lights. If you leave the porch light on, your are going to draw in bugs. And, if there?s a gap beneath the doorway (see 1.) they're going to find it. So , the less lights to draw in bugs, the better. You act as the judge.

3. Eliminate food sources ? Garbage containers draws roaches, ants, rats and other pests. Keep closed with close fitting lids. Clean up spilled rubbish. And, I really do not like to mention this one, but??bird feeders are bug and rodent magnates. The farther away from the house, the better. Sorry. Here again, you be the judge.

4. No Ivy ? Ivy is a bug factory. No other way to assert it. Roaches, rats, mice, snakes, ants, spiders, and all sorts of other animals find safe haven and great breeding areas within the loads of Ivy growing around and up on the sides of houses. Ivy is truly pretty isn?t it? At least I suspect so. But it makes pest control and pest management nearly impossible.

5. Maintain tidy gutters ? No only do stopped-up gutters prevent the flow of water, but they provide a paradise for bug breeding. Mosquitoes and roaches will thrive and breed in stopped up gutters. Plus, the build up of debris will cause the gutters to pull loose from the house. So?.do yourself and your place a favour. Keep the gutters well maintained and clog-free.

As a rule, look for a professional pest control and management service if you can't manage these pests at home on your own.

The author is a home improvement expert who wants to share his concepts on pest management. Visit his Brisbane pest control website at All Aces Services today!


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

CreateSpace Community: Share Your Work: HOT HYPNOSIS ...

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Picking the Right Movers from Moving Company

A moving company is a company that specializes in helping people and relocates their businesses from one location to another. Moving is typically use moving vans. But international cargoes that would usually have bulkier shipments need container-sized vans and cranes to transfer these containers to the moving vessel.

Best benefit of using a Las Vegas moving company is Firstly the amount of time and Secondly the money that you will save. Depending on your distance how long to travel and the number of belongings you have, and you may find that moving yourself is a long and difficult process, with the most professional, including those that they are located in Las Vegas, you will find that you only required to pack up your belongings. After that packing has occurred, the rest will be left up to the professional you hire.

Moving can be very tedious, especially when you have your own lots of stuff. This is all very time-consuming. As a result, many people choose to hire a moving company to do all or part of it. Moving can be a very confusing and stressful, and when there are so many moving companies to choose from, it can get even more confusing. However, it does not have to be so confusing if we are clear about the basics of selecting a moving provider.

Our teams are specially trained to provide you an easy un-stressful and professional move. Every team of ours professionals provided with a fully equipped designed moving truck that is custom to the size of your move in a manner that best protects your possessions.
The fact is that, while hiring we can help you to save time and hassle, picking the wrong movers can add up to more brief than you want to think about. To guard yourself and your valuables, you might want to consider a few things before choosing a company to transport your things.

At Triple7Movers we specialize at moving household goods. However occasionally the need arises and our customers require us to move their automobile. As a company we are not equipped with the right vehicles and equipment to handle these types of moves. However, as a service to our customers, we have established contacts with the best auto transport companies in the area and we will, at no additional cost, shop the market and find the best price for our valued customers.


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OUABe Fit: Cardio Dance - Calendar : Student Life

Time: Sunday, August 26, 2012 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Location: Ohio Union - Dance Room 1

Join fellow students for a free fitness class -- cardio dance! Cardio dance is offered every Sunday during the semester. This class is led by a registered instructor from the Department of Recreational Sports within the Office of Student Life at The Ohio State University. Please note that space is limited, and all classes are first-come, first-served.

Class description - Instead of running on the treadmill, try boosting your heartrate with Cardio Dance! With this class, you'll get 60 minutes of easy-to-learn choreographed dances and lots of variety. With a combination of fun music and energetic beats, these dances are sure to make you forget about the workout!

For more information on group fitness courses held at the Recreation and Physical Activity Center (RPAC), visit:

All Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB) events are for OSU Columbus students with a valid BuckID only. This event is presented by the Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB) and is brought to you by your Student Activity Fee.


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Friday, August 24, 2012

How To Choose An Ecommerce Web Development Firm To ...


By Nanncy M. Scates

Many business that want to appeal to a larger customer base use SEO web design services to design a website that will do that for them. That is because where your site ranks on a search depends on keyword usage in the content writing, which will get people to the site, but a page with pleasant color schemes and user-friendly design will make them want to stay. A good reputation, friendly and knowledgeable employees, and willingness to acclimate to any of your company?s individualized needs and preferences are all good indications that a web design firm will produce a site that fills these qualifications.

Good client and peer reports show that any SEO web design services that a firm provides for a new client are likely to be satisfactory. One place you can search for information of this sort is online; there are several consumer report sites where past clients, and others, can report any issues they may have had. If there is no entry on a particular firm, that is generally a good sign, and more information can be found doing a simple search engine query on the firm for confirmation. The firm?s website might give additional perspectives on services, professionalism, and other related issued, since many of them have a special section dedicated for this use. Customer referrals are another indication that a firm has a good reputation, because a client would hardly recommend a firm that gave them poor service.

Friendly and knowledgeable staff make the design and development stages of creating a website a pleasant experience for clients. When they are friendly, you can count on a smile and prompt service each time you have to contact with the firm with a question, instructions, or another related matter. If a firm employs knowledgeable staff, then the client can count on the fact that the final product produces the results they want.

Adaptability is another point that indicates a firm can accomplish the specific SEO web design services a client has outlined. You may wish to discuss any specific objectives you have in mind when you first speak to the firm about the project. This is generally the best time to bring up anything you think might be a deal breaker for hiring a firm.

As a closing note, it is important that clients know what they need before seeking out a design firm. Add anything that you need to the list of requirements, and you are be ready to decide. If a professional web design company demonstrates all these characteristics, they will likely build quality websites that will attract customers and encourage company expansion.

There is a wealth of other information about SEO web design services. To have a better idea what services are available, please open this site.


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Daily Kos: Concerning the Great Housing Rebound

?First of all, you need to put the "improved numbers" into perspective. Consider home building, single family home sales, and new home prices.




? While it isn't getting any worse, it's still not a pretty picture.

But then housing is supposedly not a short-term investment (except when it was a short-term investment just a few years back). You are in for the long-haul, right?
? ?That means younger, future buyers are key.
Well, maybe not the 48% of young homeowners that are underwater.

The state of finance

? ?The biggest, and least acknowledged, factor in real estate today is the condition of the GSE's - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
? ?You might remember them for the $188 Billion taxpayer bailout that followed their collapse in 2008 (and only ended a few quarters ago).
? ?You might also be familiar that they were an important part of owning millions of foreclosed homes. Well, that legacy continues today.

?Only half of the previously foreclosed homes owned by Fannie Mae are either on the market or being prepared for sale. The remaining properties are currently locked away in some step of the foreclosure system.
? ? Many market participants long claimed the government ? including Fannie, Freddie Mac and the Department of Housing and Urban Development ? are deliberately holding these homes off the market in order to get more for them when home prices recover.
?That hundreds of thousands of shadow inventory homes still working its way to the market.
? ?Why is that important? Because Congress has finally gotten serious about winding down the GSE's.
?In a move that virtually ends any hope that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will return to viability, the Department of the Treasury and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) have revised the Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement (PSPA) between Treasury and the two government sponsored enterprises (GSEs). ? The new agreement will strip the GSEs of any profit from their operations and will accelerate the rate at which they are reducing their owned loan portfolios.
?During the 2008-2010 period, the GSE's and FHA were the only mortgage providers out there. The major banks had almost completely withdrawn from the market.
? ?(And speaking of FHA, 1 out of 6 FHA loans are delinquent. Which means another multi-billion dollar taxpayer bailout is in our future.)
? ?Going forward, government subsidies for the housing market will be shrunk (but not eliminated). This is putting pressure on the GSE's to unload inventory in the quickest way. This has led them into the arms of hedge funds and private equity firms.
? ? ?Fannie and Freddie are now piloting programs for bulk sales of foreclosed home. Historically, they?ve sold them individually or in geographically dispersed packages, but since February, Fannie has been experimenting with selling homes in large volumes in Phoenix, Atlanta, Chicago, Florida, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. There are also reports of investors making significant buys in Florida. Bank of America is also experimenting with bulk sales. It?s likely that once the Fannie and Freddie programs are up and running, the servicers will copy their template with private label loans.
? ? There are several grounds for concern. One is that there is no model for large-scale, absentee landlords of single family homes. In the past, institutional investment in residential rental has been in multifamily properties, often apartment buildings. And these almost without exception had property management in place at the time of acquisition or was in dense urban areas where it was easy to find experienced management firms. And even in locales where those services are available, PE firms have too often proven to be bad landlords by design.
?Yves Smith calls it, a ?rentcropper society.?
? ?But that isn't the biggest effect windows down the GSE's will have.
Their biggest presence has always been in the secondary-mortgage market. Without them clearing mortgages, it is likely that getting a mortgage will be much more difficult for the less-than-wealthy.

? Personally, I support closing down the GSE's. The housing bubble couldn't have happened without them. But we also have to be realistic about the future of housing. Over the next decade hundreds of thousands of homes will be dumped on the market by the GSE's, while Baby Boomers will be wanting to sell their homes to pay for their retirements, while mortgages will be harder to obtain for young couples.
? ?That is simply the way it is.


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Home-based Business? - Consumer Electronics Blog

August 24th, 2012

Uncategorized, by GaspardMchugh947.

Everybody has regarded as the key benefits of commencing a property business. Jogging your home organization allows you mobility other work don?t have. The information in this post can assist you get your strategy and transform it into an operating prepare.

Begin a distinction between function and private time by making an establish plan of labor hrs. Establish a moment of time once you will cease to agree to enterprise telephone calls. You have to permit time for your family and friends and also your business.

Help your self along with your organization with internet discussion boards visited by other individuals who have house corporations. You will understand that you have many on-line areas to meet up with up with other home-based business homeowners. In this article, you will find those who been via what you really are at this time going through, and in most cases these are greater than happy to promote their tactics or offer tips to help you out.

Get the home based business your website. Produce a web site oneself, or possess a website owner style a web site that clients can steer quickly. Make use of web site to give info that will be of benefit to the consumers and offer them a means to give important responses soon after they have designed a purchase. Ensure you know how to develop a very good site for your online business.

Enable people to make contact with you by way of cell phone, postal mail or email. When individuals make contact with you, note it, as well as be aware who made a purchase soon after contacting you. It?s likely that the reaction assists individuals opt for whether or not to acquire on your part, so search for feasible links among consumer buys and whatever you say and do.

Search online for organization products you will be able to have them at wholesale costs. The Net tends to supply better deals than local shops will, so do your greatest to get any business supplies you need by way of that technique. Utilize your business certification or permit to get these wholesale rates.

As mentioned before, it can be many peoples? fantasy to start out your home enterprise. It?s important to get the appropriate details to begin your organization off on the appropriate foot.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Redecorating Suggestions You Can Even Examine Out

The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site's homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. Or, you can try finding it with the information below.


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Oklahoma City Dress Code Will Not Tolerate ... - Legal Blog Watch

Oklahoma City Dress Code Will Not Tolerate Kindergartner's U. of Michigan T-Shirt

Why? Why do schools have to mess with the sports team allegiances of 5-year-olds? First it was the?kindergarten teacher of young Emma Barton of Olathe, Kan., who demanded that Emma color in a picture of the University of Kansas' Jayhawk mascot. As you may recall, Emma, a die-hard Kansas State fan, took the Jayhawk and threw it in the trash, sparking threats of a visit to the principal's office and other kindergarten turmoil that promptly went viral on the front-page of Yahoo! and elsewhere.

Last week, 5-year-old Cooper Barton of Oklahoma City proudly went to school wearing a University of Michigan T-shirt. Cooper and his parents are all die-hard University of Michigan fans. Oklahoma News9 reports that the principal at Cooper's school?told Cooper to turn his T-shirt inside-out, because the city's dress code specifically states that children may only wear apparel supporting Oklahoma colleges, such as Oklahoma University or?Oklahoma State University. "Clothes from all other schools are against current policy," News9 reports.

The policy, approved in 2005, also prohibits kids from wearing any?professional team apparel.* While this probably was not much of an issue in 2005, today it bars kids from wearing apparel supporting the NBA's Oklahoma City Thunder. The Thunder moved from Seattle to Oklahoma City in 2008. [*Note: By my calculations, such a dress code in my family's school district would wipe out 99 percent of my 5-year-old's school clothes.]

Cooper's mother, Shannon, said Cooper ended up having to hide behind a tree to turn his shirt inside-out, and that he was embarrassed by the incident. "They should really worry about academics. It wasn't offensive. He's five," she said.

A spokesperson for the school district acknowledged that the policy might be "outdated." The?Oklahoma City School Superintendent stated Monday that the T-shirt incident with Cooper Barton "presented an opportunity to review the current OKCPS District Dress Code Policy that has been in place since 2005." The policy was "approved in 2005 after concerns that nationwide gangs used popular sports clothing to represent individual gangs."

Posted by Bruce Carton on August 22, 2012 at 04:33 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)



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S.Africa unlikely to make dent on joblessness: Marcus

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa is unlikely to make a significant dent on its high level of unemployment even if the economy manages to grow at higher rates, Reserve Bank Governor Gill Marcus said on Tuesday.

Speaking at a fundraising dinner, Marcus said the bank had been cutting its growth forecasts for the past year with GDP growth now expected to average about 2.7 percent this year and 3.8 percent in 2013. The challenges facing the domestic economy, partly due to the global downturn, were "daunting", she said.

"Even if we manage to grow at higher levels, it will be difficult to absorb such vast numbers of unemployed, especially in the short to medium term," Marcus said.

President Jacob Zuma has singled out one of South Africa's biggest challenges as the jobless rate which has persisted around 25 percent for the past year and was at 24.9 percent in the second quarter, according to the latest official statistics.

"The natural rate of unemployment in South Africa appears to be in excess of 20 percent, and significant structural changes will be required in order to make inroads into this," Marcus said.

South Africa's potential output growth had declined to 3.5 percent from 4.5 percent before the global economic slowdown and would be further constrained by domestic factors such as electricity shortages until next year, she said.

Last week's crackdown against protesting Lonmin Plc miners that left more than 40 dead has put the focus on South Africa's unemployment and its growing black underclass, often uneducated and underpaid, that has seen few benefits from the end of apartheid nearly two decades ago.

It has also raised hard questions about investing in Africa's top economy and the ruling ANC's ability to deliver on overdue promises of job creation and change.


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