Friday, August 31, 2012

How Can the Immune System Be Defined and What Can Be Done to ...

The immune system

- is a system that protects the body from disease by producing antibodies [special cells -proteins - found in the blood and detect harmful antigens (invaders)];

- is a system consisting of antibodies (also known as immunoglobulin), organs, specialized proteins, special cells, and tissues that protect the body against germs and microorganisms;

- is the body?s defense mechanism against bacteria, disease, fungi, germs, microbes, parasites, and viruses;

- is the body?s protection mechanism against infections and diseases.

Why not try to do everything possible to boost it so that we are healthy when we are young and as we age?

The immune system is a complex system consisting of many organs which need regulation and control in order for it to work at its best. A few of these organs are:

- adenoids,

- bone marrow,

- lymphatic system,

- skin ? one of the most important organs ? the body?s first line of defense (along with the mucous membranes),

- spleen,

- thymus.

Antibodies ? also known as immunoglobulin ? are Y-shaped, colorless, specialized immune proteins produced when an antigen is present in the body; they not only detect but also destroy invaders.

It is very important to strengthen and keep a strong immune system, thus avoiding sicknesses and diseases or lessening their severity. Some precautions and tips to keep it strong include:

- do not smoke;

- eat a healthy breakfast -breakfast is the most important meal of the day;

- eat foods that boost your immune system, including:

? alfalfa sprouts, apples, apricots, asparagus, beets, berries (such as blackberries, blueberries, gogi berries, raspberries, strawberries), broccoli, brussel sprouts, cantaloupe, carrots, green peppers, kale, mangoes, nectarines, nuts, onions, peaches, plums, pumpkin, red grapes, spinach, sweet potatoes, tangerines, tomatoes, watermelon;

- exercise regularly;

- relax and try to avoid stress;

- take nutritional supplements such as glyconutrients which maintain healthy cells ? ?every cell in our body ? all 600 trillion of them ? needs glyconutrients?;

- take supplements that boost the immune system ? they may include Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acids with DHA and EPA, rosmarinic acid, zinc, selenium,? ;

- wash you hands thoroughly on a regular basis, especially in the following circumstances:

- coughing,

- dressing wounds or applying first aid,

- exposure to anyone who is ill,

- using a washroom,

- handling food (especially raw chicken, fish, meat, vegetables),

- handling money,

- handling pets,

- opening mail,

- shopping (including using a grocery cart),

- sneezing.

Certain measures occur in the immune system, giving us a warning sign of an allergic disease. Since the immune system affects many parts of our body, it is our responsibility to take proper actions to safeguard it. It is vital that we protect it so that we can have a healthy life when we are young and healthy aging as we grow older. Prevention is the key to living a healthy life.


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